Massage System
Mattresses with a localized vibromassage system meet various needs related to sleep, rest and quality of life.
These mattresses are made up of high quality components that combine the all-in-one concept.
With this massage system, the user obtains extraordinary comfort and important health benefits. Its use relieves muscle pain, stimulates the immune system and improves blood circulation.
Single mattress massage:
1 line with 4 massage zones (8 motors).
Mattress Shared Couple Massage:
1 line with 4 massage zones (8 motors).
Independent Massage Mattress Couple:
2 lines with 4 independent massage zones (16 motors).
1 line with 4 massage zones (8 motors).
Mattress Shared Couple Massage:
1 line with 4 massage zones (8 motors).
Independent Massage Mattress Couple:
2 lines with 4 independent massage zones (16 motors).
Motors: DC motor with 12V operating voltage.
Warranty: 3 years EU warranty.